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Training Contents
Brown University CTR Seminar Recordings
seminar recordings from the Advance CTR
study design
Advance CTR
University of Utah CCTS Study Design
Study design
study design
University of Utah CCTS
Brown University CTR YouTube Channel
channel of videos for the Advance CTR
study design
Advance CTR
Overview of Clinical Study Design
Clinical study design is the formulation of trials and experiments, as well as observational studies in medical, clinical and other types of research (e.g., epidemiological) involving human beings. The goal of a clinical study is to assess the safety, efficacy, and / or the mechanism of action of an investigational medicinal product (IMP) or procedure, or new drug or device that is in development, but potentially not yet approved by a health authority (e.g. Food and Drug Administration).It can also be to investigate a drug, device or procedure that has already been approved but is still in need of further investigation, typically with respect to long-term effects or cost-effectiveness (Wikipedia).
research, question, design, study design, observational, experimental, intervention-based spectrum, ideal study design, randomized and non-randomized, parallel group design, sequential trials, crossover study, factorial design, adaptive design, enriched enrollment designs, group, cluster randomized studies, intent to treat, comparison groups,
Design of Epidemiologic Studies
Epidemiology is the method used to find the causes of health outcomes and diseases in populations. In epidemiology, the patient is the community and individuals are viewed collectively. By definition, epidemiology is the study (scientific, systematic, and data-driven) of the distribution (frequency, pattern) and determinants (causes, risk factors) of health-related states and events (not just diseases) in specified populations (neighborhood, school, city, state, country, global). It is also the application of this study to the control of health problems (Source: Principles of Epidemiology, 3rd Edition).
epidemiology, variables, confounding, causal inference, experimental, observational, case reports, series, descriptive statistics, cross-sectional, prevalence, incidence, cohort, prospective, longitudinal, nested, bias
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