Visitor: 117182
Training Contents
University of California Davis CTR Resource Library
This library contains all of the publicly available videos, slides and handouts that were produced through CTSC and related events
biostatistics, research methods
University of Davis CTR
University of California San Diego CTR Course Materials
educational materials that include PDFs, PPT slides, web links, and video
statistics, study design
University of California San Diego CTR
Boston University CTSI Seminars
CTSI Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Research Design (BERD) core seminars
Boston University CTSI
Innovation and Commercialization in Research
The Professional Development Core of the Dakota Cancer Collaborative on Translational Activity (DaCCoTA), in collaboration with the Office of Translational Alliances and Coordination (OTAC) of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), South Dakota Biotech, and the University of South Dakota’s Technology Transfer office hosted a hybrid webinar covering innovation and commercialization in research.
innovation, commercialization, research, NIH, intellectual property, patent, technology transfer, SBIR, STTR, Catalyze, NHLBI
Christian Buresh
Mock Peer Review (NIH)
The DaCCoTA PDC hosted a mock peer review on NIH R21 applications. This training covers the peer review process, application scoring, and the NIH Early Career Reviewer program.
mock peer review, peer review, NIH application, R21, SRO, Chair, Program Officer, reader, reviewer, Early Career Reviewer, NCI
Christian Buresh
NIH Research Grants (R03, R15, R21)
The DaCCoTA PDC presents information on NIH's common research grants such as the NIH Small Grant Program (R03), Research Enhancement Awards (R15), and Phase I Exploratory/Developmental Grants (R21)
R03, R15, R21, NIH Research Grants, success rate, preliminary data, small grant program, research enhancement award, REAP, AREA, Phase I Exploratory/Developmental Grants
Christian Buresh
Things to Consider with Project and Application Development
The Clinical Research Resources and Facilities Core (CRRFC) and the Pilot Projects Program (PPP) of the DaCCoTA review application requirements, PHS398 forms, IBC/IRB/IACUC timelines, and contact information for questions that may arise during the DaCCoTA grant application process.
grant application, DaCCoTA application, PHS398, IBC, IRB, IACUC, timeline
Clinical Research Resources and Facilities Core (CRRFC) and Pilot Project Program (PPP)
Defining & Determining Human Subjects Research
The Clinical Research Resources and Facilities Core (CRRFC) of the DaCCoTA reviews the definition of human subjects research, exceptions to regulations, and case studies.
human subjects, IRB, exempt, regulations, 45CFR 46,
Clinical Research Resources and Facilities Core (CRRFC)
Introduction to Grants Management
The University of South Dakota's Office of Sponsored Research and Grants Accounting in cooperation with the Dakota Community Collaborative on Translational Activity presented information on sponsored projects structure, budget management, audit requirements, cost principles (CFR 45), and case studies.
sponsored research, grant, budget, cost principles, allowability, allocability, reasonable, conformance, CFR 45, carryover, no-cost extension, fiscal year
Professional Development Core and University of South Dakota's Office of Research and Sponsored Projects and Grants Accounting
Strategies for Resubmitting Grant Proposals
The USD Office of Research & Sponsored Programs presents a panel discussion regarding strategies for proposal resubmission. The panel discusses ways to strengthen proposals for resubmission and suggestions on how to repackage proposals to submit to other sponsors.
resubmission, grant, proposal, score, strategies, NIH, NSF, private,
USD Office of Research & Sponsored Programs