Training Contents

Understanding NIH Programs
Find out which NIH funding mechanisms apply to you throughout your career. This talk covers many of the mechanisms that apply to Ph.D.s and M.D.s (or equivalent research and clinical doctoral degrees), from graduate/medical school through your early-stage faculty years. It describes different types of NIH grants that support mentored research training including fellowships, institutional training grants and career development awards.
NIH, IC, institute, Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA, NIH Loan Repayment Program, NIH Director's Early Independence Award (DP5), center, program officer, K award, F99/K00, career development award, early stage investigator, esi,

Clinical and Translational Research: An Overview and Basic Principles
Learn about the purpose of clinical and translational research, and the multiple phases that compose a clinical and translational research study. Define clinical and translational research List the stages of the clinical research lifecycle Identify the steps in developing a research study Discuss the roles and responsibilities of the research team Explain the role of the researcher in each stage of the research lifecycle.
clinical, translational, research, research lifecycle, developing research, roles, responsibilities,
Tufts Clinical and Translational Science Institute

Outcomes Research
Outcomes research is a branch of public health research, which studies the end results, or outcomes, of the structure and processes of the healthcare system on the health and wellbeing of patients and populations. For many years, healthcare research has improved how we diagnose, prevent, and treat a wide range of health conditions. But there hasn’t always been a way to involve patients, families, and healthcare professionals directly in the research process so that the findings reflect what matters most to them. Patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) aims to help people make informed healthcare decisions and improve healthcare delivery and outcomes by producing and promoting high integrity, evidence-based information that comes from research guided by patients, caregivers, and the broader healthcare community
outcomes research, healthcare, patient-centered,
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute

Health Disparities and Community-Based Participatory Research
Community participatory research is often called the “gold standard” of research as it brings together researchers and communities in a partnership for a common goal. In clinical and translational research, researchers and communities are addressing health disparities. To learn more about health disparities and community participatory research, we’ll view an NIH-sponsored seminar hosted by Tiffany M.Powell-Wiley, MD, MPH. Dr. Powell-Wiley is an investigator with NIH who studies social determinants of obesity and cardiovascular risk in the Washington D.C. area.
community-based participatory research, health disparities, IPPCR, partnership, research, community,

Dissemination and Implementation Research
Dissemination and Implementation research, or D&I, is concerned with understanding the process of bringing evidence-based interventions into practice within health care and community-based settings (Mayo CCaTS). The need for D&I is derived from the fact that it takes on average seventeen years before research is applied in clinical settings. Dissemination describes the means by which outcomes from research will be communicated to stakeholders and used. Specifically, a dissemination plan explains: Why—the purpose of dissemination What—the message to be disseminated To whom—the audience How—the method When—the timing (AHRQ) Implementation research is the means by which research findings will be used to apply said findings to policy and practice in healthcare to ultimately improve it (Eccles et al., 2009). To learn more, we’ll be viewing an NIH seminar hosted by Catherine Stoney, PhD, Deputy Director for the Center for Translation Research and Implementation Science at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute at NIH. In this seminar, we’ll see how D&I is applied to a healthcare concern such as smoking in order to bring about change in a nation’s health.
dissemination, implementation, D&I, translation,

Tracking Environmental Health Data for Public Health Decision Making
Environmental health is the branch of public health that: focuses on the relationships between people and their environment; promotes human health and well-being; and fosters healthy and safe communities. Environmental health is a key part of any comprehensive public health system. The field works to advance policies and programs to reduce chemical and other environmental exposures in air, water, soil and food to protect people and provide communities with healthier environments (APHA).
environmental health, public health, air, water, soil, exposure,

A New Era of Research: Practicing Interdisciplinarity
The idea of interdisciplinary research is that each individual on a team will apply their discipline alongside others’ disciplines to answer research questions. Interdisciplinary research is the way of the future. But, as science has advanced over the past decade, two fundamental themes are apparent: the study of human biology and behavior is a wonderfully dynamic process, and the traditional divisions within health research may in some instances impede the pace of scientific discovery (NIH). Working with others is the surest way to ensure our research completes the spectrum from bench-to-bedside-to bench.
interdisciplinary research, individual, team, discipline, research questions, dynamic, bench-to-bedside-to-bench, pareto principle,
University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health

Why Comparative Effectiveness Research Matters
Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) is the generation and synthesis of evidence that compares the benefits and harms of alternative methods to prevent, diagnose, treat and monitor a clinical condition, or to improve the delivery of care. The goal of CER is to provide stakeholders (patients, caregivers, providers, payers, policy makers) with information that can be used to make decisions about the benefits/tradeoffs between two or more tests, treatments/interventions, care delivery systems, or policies. As such, stakeholder engagement is often a part of the research process and the outcomes of CER should be relevant to these stakeholders. Dissemination of findings in a manner that is useful for stakeholders is also an important aspect of CER.
CER, comparativ effectiveness research, clinical, benefits, harms, decisions,
Tufts Clinical and Translational Science Institute

An Introduction to Pragmatic Clinical Trials
One of the most interesting developments we have in the arena of clinical trials is the development of the pragmatic clinical trial. In comparison to typical clinical trials, pragmatic clinical trials seek to answer what treatments are effective in the “real world” sense of medicine. To this end, pragmatic clinical trials are substantially more inclusive in terms of enrollment by relaxing restrictions on comorbidities. Enrollment itself often occurs where patients are being treated, such as a hospital or clinic rather than a special-use laboratory. As a result, researchers are able to collect data that is likely to be replicated successfully across diverse demographics.
clinical trials, pragmatic, typical, real world, inclusive, enrollment, diversity, diverse enrollment, comorbitities,
Alberta Strategy for Patient Oriented Research (SPOR)

Clinical Research Methods
The purpose of this course is to examine innovative treatments, such as stem cell research for replenishment of lost cell function, RNA interference in harmful pathways, and genetic engineering to replace lost gene product functioning. As exciting as these treatments are in terms of development, there exists a great deal of controversy surrounding them. Therefore, we must understand the methodology used in developing these therapies to alleviate resistance to the use of new technologies due to misunderstanding of the techniques and their potential side effects. To do this, we’ll use reviews and primary literature.
clinical research, methods, treatments, stem cell research, rna interference, genetic engineering, methodology, technology
Professional Development Core

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